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Hi guys! My name is Alessandra but you can call me Alê (she/her). I'm an illustrator based in Brazil, with a background in biology and teaching, these experiences reflect and shape my creativity, personality, and vision as a professional.

I've worked as a generalist but in 2020 a desire to work in the game industry was born, curiosity and dedication has led me to explore opportunities to working in studios, always seeking for jobs that needed teamwork and organization.

Enthusiastic but casual gamer know for exploring different art styles (with a soft spot for stylized), I experienced creating 2D art (with an understanding of 3D) for games, specially mobile, which I love.
I also developed a great preference for working in diverse teams and learn new areas.

As a versatile artist, I'm able to work in numerous styles across multiple genres and areas.

I'm available for freelance, contract, and full-time positions.

It has been an exciting new journey, now is time to broaden my horizons and challenge myself! Let's work together, make exciting games and connect! 
Feel free to send me an email or a DM.・。.✦

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2024 @ alê Targino

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